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Taylor Swift Has Ruffled Some Feathers In New Zealand

Just about everybody in this part over the world is overwhelmingly excited about Taylor Swift‘s visit for her massive 1989 tour. That is, everybody except for the Aukland’s local authorities who are upset about a video shoot Tay Tay did in their country.

Apparently, Swifty and her crew were granted a permit by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) to film a video clip at Auckland’s Bethell’s Beach on Monday with two vehicles. However, word has it there were more than just two vehicles on the sand which has a few of the local authorities including ATEED a little hot-headed.

While they have no power to take any legal action, a number of people have issued some harsh words including Sandra Coney who is the Chair of the Waitakere Ranges Local Board.

“Permission was given for I think 2 vehicles, instead there were about a dozen. Parks not happy at all,” Coney wrote on Facebook.

The reason for their unhappiness is that they currently have a plan in place to protect the local dotterel, which are small birds, for those who aren’t bird enthusiasts.

“We have developed a dotterel management plan as there is a heap of filming out there, and we welcome it as economic activity that should leave no footprint, but Taylor’s lot did not respect the environment or the conditions of their consent,” Coney further wrote.

According to Fairfax it’s also upset a local DJ Gin Hilligan who wrote on Facebook, “May a giant bird shit on each of your heads every day until you are so covered in sticky mess that you can’t function physically as a human being.”

“Fuck off and stop using our west to inflate your egos.”

It’s unknown what video Swift was filming but given that the next single off 1989 is Out Of The Woods, it’s likely that it was for that. Swift is due to fly to Australia today so she herself will be out of the woods very soon. Let’s hope she managed to avoid those giant shitting birds Hilligan speaks of.

She’ll play ANZ Stadium in Sydney on Saturday.

Taylor Swift filming at Bethells this week. Permission was given for I think 2 vehicles, instead there were about a... Posted by Sandra Coney on Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Dear those amongst the production crew who knew the limits of the consent but decided to ignore them,May a giant bird... Posted by Gin Halligan on Tuesday, 24 November 2015
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