The Bennies Have Launched A ‘Potcast’, Because Of Course

Everyone’s favourite bong loving Melbourne punks are at it again, with The Bennies today launching their first ever Potcast. I kid you not.

Intended to let them “recap/say thanks/say fuck you/party/feel great after each tour from now on,” with a little help from mother Mary Jane, this will be the first of what will be (considering their hectic touring schedule) many sessions of self reflection. Seriously are these guys the best guerilla marketers or what?

Still it’s not exactly This American Life, sounding more like the DVD commentary on Spinal Tap updated to the Australian punk scene circa 2016. They guys readily acknowledge their own shortcoming though, writing on Facebook that “it gets a little vague and slow towards the end… I’m assuming you can work out why…”

We definitely can.

Anyway have a listen for yourself here, although it might help if you get on the same “wavelength” as the boy if you really want to enjoy it.

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