Corey Taylor Plays With Slipknot at Soundwave 2015, Melbourne. Photo By Brett Schewitz

The Best Videos From Soundwave 2015 (So Far)

The Soundwave circus has well and truly come to town. And as the punk rock clowns and masked metal freaks that inhabit its bill take their sideshows on the road before the big finale this weekend, we thought it might be fun to recap all of the most thrilling moments of the festival so far, captured on candid smart phone. So, ladies and gents, without further ado, here are some of the most astonishing acts we’ve seen under the Big Top so far.

Faith No More – Crowd singalong / Midlife Crisis / The Lion Sleep Tonight

An already epic (pun most certainly intended) moment in Faith No More‘s set at Soundwave Melbourne took a sudden and unexpected turn, to become, somehow, even more epic. The throng of punters in the pit silenced frontman Mike Patton with a thunderous acapella rendition of the Midlife Crisis chorus, which triggered the frontman to veer into an impressive mash-up of the classic 1992 chart smasher, with that campy 1960’s tune made famous by a flatulent Disney warthog, The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

Faith No More - The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Melbourne Soundwave

Soundgarden – Birth Ritual

Hardcore Soundgarden fans no doubt required a change of underwear after the band busted out their mondo-obscure single, Birth Ritual at the back-end of their sets at Soundwave Melbourne and Adelaide. The song was a stand-alone addition to the soundtrack of the movie Singles, and the performance at the festival marked only the second time the band has played it live since 1992.

SOUNDGARDEN - Birth Ritual - SoundWave 2015

Exodus Get A Max Cavalera Cameo

Thrash pilgrims Exodus played a crushing set at Soundwave Melbourne over the weekend, but fans got an extra dose of heavy when ex-Sepultura/Soulfly lord Max Cavalera, who’s in town with his supergroup side project, Killer Be Killed, joined them onstage to jam on the 1984 Exodus tune, Bonded By Blood.

EXODUS Jam with MAX CAVALERA Feb 23 2015 Australia

Killer Be Killed Make Their Live Debut

Speaking of Max Cavalera’s supergroup side project, Killer Be Killed, they also made their official live debut at the festival over the weekend. And after all the hype surging ahead of their first ever performance, the metal jugggernauts did not disappoint, delivering a pulverising rendition of their single Wings of Feather and Wax which saw a sea of devil horns raised high.

KILLER BE KILLED (**FIRST LIVE SHOW ! **) Wings Of Feather And Wax - SoundWave Melbourne 2015

KILLER BE KILLED '1st EVER Live Show' February 21 2015 AUSTRALIA

Tonight Alive Tackle Rage Against The Machine x 3

Aussie pop punk shooting stars Tonight Alive delivered a surprise setlist inclusion. No strangers to the odd cover, last time they played Soundwave in 2012, Jenna McDougall and co delivered a punk-ified rendition of the very un-metal Mumford and Sons tune, Little Lion Man. But there was no “fucked it up this time” in their Melbourne set in 2015, just “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”.

Tonight Alive - Killing In The Name Of (live cover at Melbourne Soundwave)

Slipknot Pulling A One-Two

Nobody knows how to whip fans into a frenzy like Slipknot (hell, they have specific band members whose job is pretty much to do only that). But the masked madmen took it to a new level at Soundwave Melbourne, packing a monster two-song combo into the end of their set. They slugged fans with Duality and then followed it up with Wait and Bleed before knotheads even had a chance to recover. The result? A frenzied circle pit, a sea of pumping fists and the crowd singing along so loud that Corey Taylor’s almost drowned out.

Slipknot - Wait And Bleed (Live at Soundwave February 2015)

Bloopers and Weird Shit Behind The Scenes

Yes, we’re plugging our own video, but truly, the highlights weren’t just onstage. We got plenty of ’em on camera behind the scenes as well during a few interviews with some of your favourite bands. Check out Slipknot chatting about wheat (for some reason), Fall Out Boy flouting a restraining order from Drake, Escape The Fate‘s piece-to-camera fails and more.

Pits, Walls and Falls

What would Australia’s biggest heavy music festival be without a rib-cracking selection of the finest circle pits and walls of death. King Parrot, Lamb Of God, Escape The Fate and Crossfaith won the day, with fans somewhat unsurprisingly getting the most rekt.

LAMB OF GOD - Redneck - SoundWave 2015.   ** MASSIVE Circle Pit

Escape the fate wall of death soundwave adelaide

Crossfaith - Wall of Death, Adelaide Soundwave 2015

Check out all our video coverage from Soundwave Melbourne, including interviews with Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, Fall Out Boy, Gerard Way, Killer Be Killed, Escape The Fate and more, over on our Videos page.

Gallery: The Best Of Soundwave 2015, Melbourne / Photos by Brett Schewitz

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