The Simpsons have never been shy on attracting big names to guest on the longest-running animated TV program in history. Celebrities and musical acts that have recently appeared or are set to appear on upcoming episodes include Julian Assange, Lady Gaga, Tom Waits, and now most recently announced, American indie folk rock band The Decemberists.
The above image shows the five-piece all set to perform a tune before Bart’s class, which according to Pitchfork, is taken from an upcoming episode titled The Day the Earth Stood Cool and is scheduled to air Stateside in early December.
There’s little other information on The Decemberists guest spot, but as for the recently announced Tom Waits cameo, Simpsons’ producer Al Jean explained that Waits will help Homer become a survivalist in an episode titled Homer Goes to Prep School.
“We did a lot of research into the ‘prepper’ phenomenon, where people are convinced that some horrible catastrophe – like an electromagnetic pulse – is going to occur, and that people will have to survive without the grid. … Homer becomes a prepper,” Jean explained to TVLine.