The Flaming Lips To Ditch Erykah Badu For Amanda Palmer?

The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne is considering ending his ongoing saga with Erykah Badu by re-shooting the video for their song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face…with another music star.

TheFourOhFive reports that Coyne told MTV News he is in talks with Amanda Palmer about remaking the now infamous video for the song that Badu and the Lips created.

“At the moment I’m talking with Amanda Palmer about remaking the video and having Amanda sing it and just be in the video”, he said.

The original video with Badu featured several naked poses of Badu and her sister, along with other trippy scenes involving glitter and milk. Coyne posted a version of the video to PitchFork’s website without Badu’s approval – which led a Twitter war between himself and Badu.

But despite the ongoing saga over the video, Coyne has indicated to NME that he would like to work with her again.

“It’s a joy to be with people like her. If it was just me and her I would fight with her all day. It’s just a video, y’know. It’s a silly thing.”

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