The Wombats Are Playing In Melbourne And Sydney Next Week

Liverpool trio The Wombats will return to Australia next week to play promotional shows in Melbourne and Sydney, building the hype around their forthcoming third album Glitterbug.

On Tuesday, 24th February, The Wombats are performing a free and super-intimate 18+ live show at a secret Melbourne venue. Tickets to the show will be available later this week, but are strictly limited with a maximum of two per person. The venue will be revealed to ticket holders the day before the show.

On the Sydney side of things, The Wombats are set to perform at an exclusive Channel [V] Island part on Wednesday, 25th February. Tickets to that show can also be snatched up by entering a competition over at the Channel [V] website.

The Wombats were last in Australia for Falls Festival 2013/2014 and Field Day 2014. This time around, the group will be in the country doing their Glitterbug promo thang from Monday, 23rd February to Sunday, 1st March.

Co-produced by The Wombats and producer Mark Crew, Glitterbug has been heavily influenced by frontman Matthew ‘Murph’ Murphy’s time in Los Angeles. Catch lead single Greek Tragedy, below, alongside the band’s Melbourne and Sydney promo dates.

Glitterbug is set for release on Friday, 10th April.

Watch: The Wombats – Greek Tragedy

The Wombats’ 2015 Glitterbug Promo Tour

Tickets to the Melbourne show go on sale 9am AEDT Thursday, 19th February, and are limited to two per person. Tickets to the Sydney show are only available through the competition on the Channel [V] website.

Tuesday, 24th February 2015

TBA, Melbourne (18+)

Tickets: Ticketscout

Wednesday, 25th February 2015

Channel [V] Island Party, Sydney

Tickets: Channel [V]

Photos: Falls Festival 2013/2014, Day 3 – Lorne, Victoria 30/12/13 / Photos: Carbie Warbie

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