These Naked Mudslide Videos Pretty Much Sum Up Splendour 2015

Another year of Splendour In Grass is done and dusted and while promoters are currently busying figuring out exactly how to turn 40 hectares of dirty sludge back into pristine parklands, all we have left now are the memories.

But while the muddied landscape might have proven disastrous for sleeping conditions, outfit choices and general hygiene – it proved one heck of an advantage for the anonymous stars of these below videos, seen embracing the elements in all their natural glory.

The Mud Men’s – or Mud Man, it’s hard to tell if this is the same dud – moments of pant-less glory have been pristinely captured on film and shared on these here interwebs, and the videos pretty much sum up Splendour, tbh.

Check out the videos below and keep up to date with all of the latest new, reviews and galleries from the festival at our Splendour In The Grass 2015 Feed.

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