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This Brave Man Is Rickrolling Himself For Four Days Straight In The Name Of Charity

A very brave soul by the name of Jack White (no, not that Jack White) has agreed to remain silent and listen to nothing but Rick Astley‘s Never Gonna Give You Up for four days in order to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

23-year-old White, from the English city of Southampton, is currently held up in a hotel room with no books, electronics, TV or “luxury food”, while Astley’s classic hit is played over, and over, and over again. We’re talkin’ a wholllllllle lotta this:

During his ordeal challenge, White isn’t allowed to speak, read or even take a bath, and is being subjected to a song which his supporters voted was more annoying than Eduard Khil’s Trololo song and Let It Go from the movie Frozen.

White’s mammoth Rick Astley binge will finally come to an end on Monday, 19th October. At that point, he’ll have spent 75 hours in the hotel room listening to Never Gonna Give You Up around 2,500 times. Astley himself has even taken to Facebook to say it’s “the definition of crazy”.

Before beginning his Astley binge, White said, “For somebody with Anxiety, OCD & Claustrophobia this is a huge challenge for me and something that I’m really going to struggle with.”

White is raising money for JDFR because his nephew was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago. “This charity event isn’t for me, it’s for you to get involved and be entertained,” he says. “Please get involved today and pledge what you can to help us get closer to curing Type 1 Diabetes.”

While White is well on his way to raising his goal of £2,000 for JDFR, he is also well on his way to developing a severe hatred of Rick Astley.

White is also live-streaming his hellish nightmare challenge via YouTube (below) — he’s asleep at the time of writing, but the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up will be this:

To donate to White for his valiant effort, head over to his JustGiving page.

Live-Stream: Brave Man Rickrolling Himself For Four Days Straight For Charity

This is the definition of crazy !!Good luck Jack, all the bestRick X

Posted by Rick Astley on Friday, 16 October 2015

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