RATM guitarist Tom Morello has taken the wind out of the rumour sails by declaring that Rage Against the Machine have “no plans” to record new material. The disappointing news comes as Morello was talking with Billboard about the soon-to-be released Rage Against the Machine – XX.
Despite fellow RATM member Tim Commerford telling TMZ that “Definitely. Maybe…” a new RATM record was in the works, Morello told Billboard the sorely missed 90’s act has “no plans beyond” the reissue of their debut album.
Although Morello has quashed the rumours (for now) he was more than happy to reflect on what it means to be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of RATM’s self-titled debut, with Rage Against the Machine – XX due out Monday, November 26.
“It doesn’t feel like 20 years, but at the same time it’s sobering that it is. There’s no crystal ball that we could’ve looked into when we were writing these songs in 1991 that would have told us we’d be talking about this record over two decades later,” Morello told Billboard.
“And I will say that 20 years later we’re able to take pride in the fact that in the history of rock music there has never been a more popular band with as radical politics as Rage Against The Machine, nor has there been a band with more radical politics than Rage Against The Machine that has been as popular.”
“That is the lasting testament to the first shot fired by this album and how it continues to resonate with rebels around the world.”