Watch Client Liaison Pull Daryl-Freaking-Braithwaite Out Of Nowhere To Perform ‘The Horses’ At Beyond The Valley

Holy shit! So this is a thing that happened.

Client Liaison went and pulled a rabbit out of their hat during their gig at Beyond The Valley festival last week. And by rabbit we mean Daryl Braithwaite.


And not only did they bullrush the crowd by randomly whipping out this national treasure, they also teamed up with Dazza for a performance of his shirt-billowing 1990 hit The Horses, which we all know is the Australian feelgood drunken group singalong par excellence.

Luckily, smart phone-wielding punters were on hand to film the whole thing, so you can watch the crowning moment of Beyond The Valley in all of its wondrous horsey glory, below.

Watch: Client Liaison ft. Daryl Braithwaite – The Horses Beyond The Valley 2015/2016

Client Liaison ft Daryl Braithwaite - The Horses Beyond The Valley 2015 Beyond the Valley 2016

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