Watch Corey Taylor Tell A Backstage Story About Marilyn Manson & A Pair Of Budgie Smugglers

Anyone who’s ever watched the music video for Sweet Dreams probably feels like they’ve seen enough of Marilyn Manson‘s ghoulish physique to last them a lifetime, but apparently seeing him crawl around like a demonic semi-nude crackwhore is nothing compared to the vision that’s been burnt into Corey Taylor‘s retinas.

CT is currently gearing up for a joint North American tour with Slipknot and Manson, and has taken some time out to reflect on some of the shenanigans that went down last time the pair tour together in 2001 for Ozzfest (guess they didn’t hang much at Soundwave 2015 eh?)

Without giving too much away, the story involves Slipknot, a backstage area, security guards, a pair of tighty whities and Manson pretty much going full apeshit.

But Taylor had plenty of nice things to say about the Pale Emperor as well, revealing that “He’s definitely an influence on me. I mean I was a huge Manson fan, starting with [his 1994 debut album Portrait of an American Family], honestly … To this day, I think Antichrist Superstar is one of the best albums ever recorded, bar none.”

Hear the good, the bad and the ugly details in Corey Taylor’s own words below, and get excited because ICYMI Slipknot are touring Australia this freakin’ October!

Corey Taylor Tells His Marilyn Manson Underwear Story

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