Watch: Die Antwoord New Video ‘Baby’s On Fire’

South African rap-ravers Die Antwoord have just released a new music video for their latest single Baby’s on Fire from their 2012 record Ten$Ion.

The premise of the video revolves around Die Antwoord staying at their parent’s house (presumably Visser and Jones are siblings in this clip) enjoying a family dinner. Yolandi Visser dons a T-shirt that reads ‘Who needs tits, with a ass like this’ while giving grace and thanking the lord for ‘our concerts sold out so nicely in the overseas’, ‘all the nice clothes I bought over there’, ‘Satan’ (the family dog) and ‘the front cover of the new FHM’

Once dinner is finished Visser and Jones retire to their respective bedrooms. Watkin Tudor Jones gets up to all sorts of debauchery while Visser waits for her potential suitor to arrive. When Jones overhears noises coming from Visser’s room, he rushes in to confront her lover, and all chaos ensues.

This sort of action repeats itself throughout the music video, involving Gun Bongs, Marijuana Boxers, Motorbike Stunts, and some good old-fashioned jelly wrestling until finally Visser decides to knock Jones’s teeth out with a brick.


Watch: Die Antwoord – Baby’s on Fire

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