Watch Dillon Francis Taking Pokémon GO To A Whole New Level

Pokémon Go has spawned a whole new generation of Pokémon fans, as it plays off the nostalgia of those of us born in the ’90s, hitting heights of popularity that most couldn’t possibly have seen coming.

It’s even made its way into the world of music, with Slipknot’s Corey Taylor weighing into the future of such a ‘genius concept,‘ and a young fan at a Beyoncé concert brutally shamed online for playing the game in the front row of the gig. The game has even sparked a Nintendocore revival, and helped to popularise a new sub-genre of music called Pokewave.

It was perhaps then only a matter of time before serial industry prankster and Snapchat genius Dillon Francis weighed into the action. Francis has uploaded a series of Snapchats to Twitter, showing his attempts to catch his Hardwell DJ figurine or ‘Hardwellmon’ which spawns in random places around his house.

Typically, Francis struggles with the elusive Hardwellmon, his Pokéball breaking, and the unwanted appearance of a lower level BlowPopmon. When he finally catches it, its moves are pretty incredible, with ‘one hand up’ and ‘two hands up’ attacks ready to deal out plenty of damage to other Pokémon.

Watch the whole saga below.

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