Watch Drake Play “Faceketball”, Neck Whiskey With Jimmy Fallon

Canadian rapper Drake just had a guest spot on The Tonight Show, where he played a touch of “Faceketball” after indulging in a little tipple and a chinwag with Jimmy Fallon.

To answer your question, faceketball involves each player wearing a basketball hoop hat while shooting balls at one another’s face to try to score points. Obviously.

Drake has also just released his own line of whisky called Virginia Black, hence the live beverage sipping.

He didn’t perform any music while he was on the show, however he is set to appear on Saturday Night Live later in the week, where he’ll hopefully perform something from his latest release.

Drake’s new album Views is out right the hell now.

Check out Drake in action on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon below.

Faceketball with Drake

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