Iron Maiden in Brisbane, May 2016 / Photo: Rebecca Reid

Watch Iron Maiden Tell A Punter To “Fucking Calm Down” At Adelaide Gig

Iron Maiden have just wrapped their The Book Of Souls Australian tour and it seems the crowds got pretty rowdy.

One particular punter in Adelaide got so rowdy that frontman Bruce Dickinson had to have words with him.

As reported by Blabbermouth, a man attempting to push to the front got into a fight with a “bald guy” who apparently attempted to stop him from pushing any further.

“This guy with the Raiders shirt went off and started hitting this bald guy,” said an on-looker who further said three people attempted to restrain the punter.

Eventually, Dickinson decided to break it up.

“Just fucking calm down, all right, will ya? Otherwise… Yeah, you. Otherwise you will be exiting,” he said.

“Pick a window. I hope you like hospital food. You, yeah. Give me the fucking finger, mate. You fucking come backstage and I’ll fucking sort you out myself. Cunt!”

The man was then booted from the venue and will now forever have to live with the knowledge that he was called a “cunt” by Bruce Dickinson.

The tour is in support of the band’s 16th album The Book Of Souls which was released in September last year.

Watch: Bruce Dickinson Lose It At A Fan In Adelaide
Iron Maiden Adelaide Fear of the Dark - Bruce Dickinson loses it at fan calls him a c**t

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