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Watch Ja Rule Bitch-Slap A Punter, Storm Offstage After Getting Hit In The Head With A Beer Can

First of all: yes, Ja Rule still exists.

Second of all: yes, he’s still livin’ it up, at least as far as we can tell from this footage of his recent gig in Atlantic City, where he performed by a swanky pool surrounded by a handful of bare-booty shakin’ babes.

But things took an unfortunate dive four songs into the set when one overly turnt punter decided to hurl a beer can at the rapper’s head.

Naturally, his response was both fast & furious.

Footage of the incident shows everyone’s favourite Cookie Monster-voiced wanksta cutting the music and offering a $1,000 bounty to dob-in the can-chucker.

Naturally, someone did, triggering the frequent Ashanti collaborator to take swift vengeance by leaning down to bitch-slap the hell out of the offender’s face before storming off the stage.

According to TMZ, after receiving a harsh lesson from Ja’s palm, the tinny-hurler was then turfed out of the venue by security.

Ja Rule returned to the stage soon after, and everything was Wonderful again.

Watch footage of the whole thing below, including a slow-motion action replay, thanks to TMZ.

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