Watch Justin Bieber Get Lippy In Deposition Video

Justin Bieber has yet again been winning friends and influencing people, with gossip website TMZ today unveiling the highlights of the 20-year-old pop star’s deposition video, in which he attempts to win gold in the Smuggest Prat Of 2014 category.

Bieber was questioned for four hours on 6 March, pertaining to an incident from last June, in which a paparazzo claims the singer instructed his bodyguard to beat him up. The Boyfriend singer displays a whole lot of ‘tude in the video, with highlights including storming out of the room when asked about Selena Gomez and being unable to recall whether he’s ever visited Australia or not.

While Bieber hasn’t commented directly on the leaked videos, he has gotten a touch passive aggressive on Twitter overnight, tweeting “Love how some people love to twist and justify the horrible action of others. We all have a right to defend ourselves and feel harassed” followed by “They can’t break us. They can’t get us down. We are too strong. We love too much. #mybeliebers”

It’s just the latest incident in a long line of turbulent behaviour from the young Canadian, who is under investigation for allegedly egging a neighbour’s house in Los Angeles, as well as turning himself into Toronto Police for the alleged assault of a limo driver.

WATCH: Justin Bieber Deposition

WATCH: Justin Bieber Deposition – Selena Gomez

Watch: Justin Bieber – Compares Deposition To 60 Minutes

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