Hats off to Orange Amps, they’ve just cranked the LOLs to 11.
The amplifier manufacturer has unleashed a funny AF new video clip to promote their latest range of gear, which casts Mastodon frontman Troy Sanders as a bearded old has-been who lives in squalor and spends his days gorging on KFC and sitting in front of the tele, replaying footage of the moment that sent him spiralling downward into a razorless pit of grease and despair.
And the hilariously paradoxical 1970’s-style video of Troy’s 2016 Orange Amplifier Classic faceoff against his brother and fellow bassist Kyle Sanders of Vinnie Paul’s Hellyeah is a straight up LOLfest.
Despite all the bass tech-babble, you won’t need to be a gearhead to enjoy this, with the Sanders’ bros shenanigans and some top notch bantz from the video’s sports commentators serving up more than a few solid belly laughs.
This is both sibling rivalry and amplifier marketing at it’s finest.