Watch: Tame Impala On Fallon

They’ve conquered their Australian homeland, they’ve pretty much conquered the UK and Europe, and now Tame Impala have their sights firmly set on the United States. The first step was their first appearance on American TV – their slot on Light Night With Jimmy Fallon can be seen below.

Kevin Parker and his band played Why Won’t You Make Up Your Mind from landmark album Innerspeaker. The Western Australian psychedelic troupe recently completed a US tour that was blighted by the fact the band were due to play at the Music To Know Festival in East Hampton alongside the likes of Vampire Weekend and Bright Eyes, only for the festival to be cancelled due to poor ticket sales.

In the mean time, more Tame Impala video emerged recently, that of the band covering Massive Attack‘s Angel during their performance at the Vivid Live Festival in June. That’s also available below.

Tame Impala cover Massive Attack - Angel

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