Watch These Buskers Drown Out Homophobic Hate Speech With Music

Just hours before the annual Sydney Mardi Gras parade was due to kick off this past weekend, a bunch of Sydney buskers used the power of music to drown out a man spouting out homophobic hate-speech in the middle of Pitt Street Mall.

The video below shows musician Axel Winter and some fellow buskers combat the hate speech with a heartfelt rendition of Cyndi Lauper’s Girls Just Want To Have Fun. They altered the song’s chorus slightly with the words, “Some boys take a beautiful boy and they hide her away from the rest of the world” and, “When the working day is done, girls and boys, they want to have fun.”

“Yesterday, a man tried to yell hateful religiously inspired things about gay people in Pitt street mall. So, myself and the other buskers moved my stuff behind him and drowned out his negativity,” Winter wrote on his Facebook page later.

“The crowd cheered and sang along and soon enough he was gone. Thank you Sydney for taking a stand for equality.” The YouTube video has been viewed thousands of times and the musician, a regular busker in Sydney’s Pitt Street Mall, has received a lot of support on social media.

“The world is becoming equal,” Winter told The Daily Mail of his experience. “I’m so proud of this city for what it did. That man was entitled to freedom of speech, but hateful words and singling out certain people is not okay.”

“Whether you’re gay, transgender or even just confused, you’re still my friend.”

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