Binary Metal Is A New Thing You Need To Hear Right Now

The same musical YouTube sensation who recently brought us recreations of metal classics on both the banjo and ukulele has taken his genre bending skills to another level, creating his very own morse code – metal style.

Aided by their guitars, amped up speakers and a binary code converter, Chicago musician Rob Scallon and his morse code ally trade coded messages like “hey”, “sup” and “you like cantaloupe?” all via djent. Explains the video description, “it’s like morse code, but more metal.”

Scallon’s previous viral hits includes a cover of Slayer‘s Raining Blood on the banjo and another replacing the runaway guitars from War Ensemble with a ukulele. For anyone interested in asking others about their interest in cantaloupe via metal, the track is now available for $1 on bandcamp.

In the meantime, check out both videos below.



Watch: Slayer – War Ensemble (Ukulele cover w/ solos)

Slayer - War Ensemble (Ukulele cover w/ solos)

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