Image Via YouTube / Misunderestimatified

Watch World’s Most Adorable Toddler Decimate Karnivool On The Drums

Bands currently on the lookout for a drummer please take note. At seven months old, baby Violet has been around the block enough times to know a good song when she hears one and, in her professional opinion, there’s no going past the songs of Karnivool.

The prog metal rugrat has been playing the drums since she was in diapers, literally, because she still is. With over two hours experience behind the kit, this proud dummy-spitter absolutely wails on the skins while the rest of her peers are still wailing for their milk bottles.

The stick-brandishing ankle-biter has just published a video of her rigorous training regime, which shows her rocking a ‘Vool shirt and beating the absolute baby poo out of her pint-sized kit while transitioning through a range of various drum techniques and rudiments.

Behold as bubba masters the proper stick grip and tackles Karnivool’s challenging prog time signatures with the greatest of ease, before trying her hand at some maracas. She’s also provided some handy subtitles to maximise communication for those who don’t speak the language of her people.

Better watch your back, Steve Judd. Good luck competing against THOSE CHEEKS.

Watch: Violet Plays Drums To Karnivool

Violet Plays Drums to Karnivool

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