Wikileaks Publishes Tom DeLonge’s Phone Number & Emails To Clinton Campaign About UFOs

Tom DeLonge has been implicated in the latest email dump from Wikileaks.

The recently disclosed political correspondence shows the Blink-182 prodigal son casually chatting with US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta about UFOs.

As the Wall Street Journal reports, the Aliens Exist singer and well-documented tinfoil hat wearer liaised with the high-powered politico about little green men on at least two separate occasions, writing in cryptic terms about their mutual interest in more government disclosure about all things extra terrestrial.

The first email, dated October 2015, also reveals that Podesta took part in a “special documentary” about “our sensitive topic” that DeLonge is producing:

Hi John- Tom DeLonge here, The one who interviewed you for that special documentary not to long ago.

Things are moving with the project. The Novels, Films and NonFiction works are blooming and finishing. Just had a preliminary meeting with Spielberg’s Chief Operating Officer at DreamWorks. More meetings are now on the books-

I would like to bring two very ‘important’ people out to meet you in DC. I think you will find them very interesting, as they were principal leadership relating to our sensitive topic. Both were in charge of most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics. Other words, these are A-Level officials. Worth our time, and as well the investment to bring all the way out to you. I just need 2 hours from you.

Just looking to have a casual, and private conversation in person.

Like DeLonge, Podesta is a well documented alien enthusiast. The pollie – who’s currently running the Hillary Clinton campaign after having served in both the Obama and Bill Clinton administrations – tweeted last year that his biggest regret after leaving his job with Obama was failing to secure the disclosure of “the UFO files #thetruthisoutthere”.

Image via Huffington Post

As an aside, in publishing the emails, Wikileaks have also inadvertently publicised an email address and phone number belonging to DeLonge, which is a little awkies. If you’re keen to contact him about aliens and stuff, catch the details below.

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