Year 8 Metal Band Nab $1.7 Million Record Deal With Sony

Here to make you feel way unproductive are guitarist Malcolm Brickhouse, bassist Alec Atkins, and drummer Jarad Dawkins, the three members of heavy metal band Unlocking the Truth, who just signed a $1.7-million record deal with Sony. Oh, and none of them have even left Year 8 yet.

Malcolm and Alec are 13 and Jarad is only 12, but the trio have been playing music together for years, and often go busking in Times Square. However, their busking days may be behind them now that Sony has picked up Unlocking the Truth for a two-album deal, with an option for four more.

As Consequence of Sound reports, the deal includes a $60,000 up-front sum for the boys’ first LP, with a possible $350,000 advance on their second. If Sony decides to go six records with the band, these three young metal-heads could end up making upwards of $1.7 million on their contract.

The band’s manager has told the New York Post that Unlocking the Truth have a chance of becoming the new face of heavy music because they are unique – a group of young, black musicians excelling in a genre that in the past has typically been dominated by white musicians.

However, the Post also notes that Sony’s contract is a little bit tricky. Though the three members will receive a remarkable 16%-17% royalty cut on their sales, this will only kick in after 250,000 records are sold. To put that in context, reigning pop queen Beyonce‘s last album sold 600,000 units.

After being discovered performing in Washington Square Park by Eric Clapton drummer Steve Jordan in 2012, the band went on to play gigs across the US, including with Guns N’ Roses and at Coachella, a spot on the Warped Tour, and an upcoming gig with Queens of the Stone Age.

“What started out as play dates went to Times Square and now this,” said Dawkins’ mother, Tabatha. “It’s been one great thing after another.” But before hitting the studio, they have to take care of business. “Schoolwork comes first. If their schoolwork is not done, they don’t play.”

Watch: Unlocking the Truth – Monster at Coachella 2014

Watch: W Kamau Bell Visits Unlocking the Truth

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