If you’ve ever wanted to create a mix tape or playlist in a tangible form but have been afflicted by the knowledge that vinyl just sounds better; fear no more. A new service will cut anything to vinyl for you, even if you don’t own the music.
This Vinyl On Demand service has launched a crowd-funding campaign to fund its made-to-order short cut runs of 7″ or 12″ records, which enables you to make unique copies of mix tapes, playlists, and even playable copies of rare records in your collection.
The project is based in Portland and is firmly nestled in ‘DIY lathe culture’. Once it hits the $20,000 mark, the crowd-funding campaign will be invested in two new lathes, which are the machines used to shape the records.
Uneasy about the implications of copywrited music? The service emphasises that, in accordance with the US Audio Home Recording Act of 1992, customers are allowed create non-commercial copies of legally purchased recordings. Knock yourself out.
Check out the crowd-funding campaign here.
Watch: Super Specific Vinyl On Demand